Adjust Price and Autoadjust

There's a way to quickly adjust the price of the campaigns without going through the process of editing and restarting it.


All of the campaigns are able to show whether bid is too low. Visually, it looks like a little red arrow near the price:

Red arrow near price

This arrow indicates that, based on the targets and the traffic volume, the campaign might have some troubles receiving enough traffic and it needs to be adjusted.

Adjusting prices

To check and adjust prices, go to Campaigns: 

Campaigns tab

Open the campaign with the red arrow near its price:

Campaign with too low bid

Look for the Pricing section:

Pricing section

To manually adjust the price, click Adjust price:

Auto-adjust and Adjust buttons

Auto-adjusting is enabled by default. It automatically adjusts the price for the campaign once a day if the price falls below recommended. The recommended price is calculated once per day.

Adrian Bauer
Knowledge Manager
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