Ad marketplace is a unique platform for advertising campaigns. The main benefit is the possibility of getting all traffic of websites.
In this article we’re going to tell you what ad marketplace is and why you should experience it yourself.
Actually, we have been thinking for a long time about optimizing all sides of the process of affiliate marketing.
Our main goal is to make ClickAdilla as effective for your advertising results as possible.
So thinking what can we do else to simplify the process we created the curious feature - ads marketplace. So now we introduce the unique marketing product which can bring to a new level your workflow on ClickAdilla.
Tired of reading? - Watch our new video about Marketplace 👇
Ad marketplace changes affiliate marketing processing. How it comes?
Obviously when you analyze your traffic results you try to find more and more ways to make it even better than the previous ones. If you relate it then marketplace ads can become the most effective solution for your advertising campaigns. What’s the specific? Yeah, at the first glance it seems everything is as usual: you create your advertising company on your much-loved ClickAdilla and websites show the ads on their internet platforms to your potential customers. But something has been changed with our new service. Marketplace advertising may turn your common traffic into a resultative campaign because our new creation allows you to buy the whole traffic on the websites. Yep, the whole website traffic only for your advertising campaigns!
Marketplace advertising brings more benefits than standard ads. Why so?
Advertising marketplace simplifies the process of making flat deals (getting all traffic from websites) for affiliate marketing activities. In this article we will discuss what it is and how it works.
Ads marketplace is a brand new feature recently implemented into ClickAdilla’s platform to simplify the process of making flat deals. In this article we will discuss what it is and how to work with ClickAdilla’s ads marketplace.
Flat Deals
Flat deal is a type of sale. It is a process of buying the whole traffic volume from the website for a definite period.
This is how it works: you get the offer you want to promote, come to ClickAdilla, define the ad format, target Tier group and one of ClickAdilla’s premium sources. After that you make a flat deal, which will guarantee you receiving all ad format traffic from one particular source for a definite time period.
So simply put, it literally means you can manage all the affiliate marketing processing on ClickAdilla’s ads marketplace. There are plenty of well-established publishers on ClickAdilla’s platform and advertisers can choose any particular one of them, buy the traffic and get even more results than with no marketplace advertising but using standard ads. You choose all necessary parameters for your potential customers, like location, devices, IP2 Location Type, languages and so on. And then a particular publisher places your ads campaign on the website. What’s next? A publisher gives advertisers a guarantee to show the ads for a particular period they fixed for their advertising campaigns. So it means the website's online visitors will definitely see your own creative and there are more chances for them to click on it. As a result, you can finally get your desired traffic results of your offers, get more clicks, potentially more purchases in your online store or service. Sounds attractive, isn’t it?
If you want to know more about flat deals before moving on to Marketplace, read our recent article or watch a video on YouTube.

Marketplace is a service where a marketer can buy the whole website traffic for a certain ad format and a certain Tier on ClickAdilla’s premium sources.
Making flat deals became very easy, since we implemented a Marketplace section.
It is designed as a new section on the sidebar menu in your ClickAdilla account.

We provide you with a selection of our best traffic sources so that you can choose the flat deal you are most interested in.
So as we mentioned above, there are a lot of website publishers on ClickAdilla’s ad marketplace. So instead of being worried about the auction bid, you can reassure yourself and pick the particular website where you feel more confident about getting the best amount of clicks and grab all the traffic you can.
So now we offer you to put the image in order with real examples. We’ll talk about one of the popular websites on ClickAdilla.
So we open ClickAdilla’s ads marketplace and see plenty of internet platforms. We chose VJAV for the demonstration. It is Japan website which can be a good choice as a market page for publishing advertisement campaigns of adult affiliate marketing. Why did we make such conclusion? Just look at the parameters, you can see all of them on ClickAdilla:
The site rank is 1280, pay your attention to the number of site views. There are more than 165 millions of them. Also lets not forget about the specifics of creatives so you can notice there are 83% are male visitors and the rest of statistics are female.
It can make a more full image to understand what kind of advertisement you can show there and what the potential target audience reach is.
Don’t forget to check location of visitors as well: Japan and the United States of America are on the top of the website visitors - there are 25% and 13%, the rest 3 top users among countries are Germany, Thailand and France.
And don’t forget to check device type parameters. If you don’t pay attention to this scale then it would become a problem to see best traffic results on your ads statistics. So you can see 75% of users prefer opening the website on their phones.
We gathered the whole experience we have to analyze what you would need to create your ad campaigns to make it work effectively. If you open ClickAdilla’s marketplace then you can see an impressive quantity of websites for adult affiliate marketing. And surely you can see the main statistics parameters for all of them!
How To
We described in all details how ClickAdilla’s new feature works and we hope you can see why we are so proud of introducing the ads marketplace to you. Now we offer you some simple instructions to make it clear how to make flat deals and grab all traffic yourself.
In the marketplace section you’ll see different flat deals available with all the information provided, namely: ad format, web site, number of daily or monthly impressions, rank worldwide and the cost.

Depending on the preferences you may set the number of impressions you want to reach or the number of days you want your ads to be placed on the web site.

After you have set all the parameters, press the button “BUY” - you will see the window with the review of all the information about your flat deal. Here you may change some settings if you need and finally get your traffic.
Why would it be the best choice to try ClickAdilla’s marketplace NOW?
Since these features are new and we are still working on the updates
- the prices are extremely low;
- there is absolutely no competition.
It means that those who’ll test flat deals now - will get the best conditions for their ads.
Just imagine, right now you can snatch the valuable piece of traffic without sharing it with anyone else of your competitors. But we’ve got the confidence that every specialist in affiliate marketing will appreciate ClickAdilla’s unique tools and continue using it after getting the first experience.
Can we mention some other benefits else? Surely we can!
It’s the full list of what you can get trying advertising marketplace on ClickAdilla:
- You don’t have to fight for the traffic with other advertisers. And it doesn’t matter what’s going on at the auction, - you always have your traffic
- High percentage of probability your advertisement isn’t reflected by rotation. It always stays on the same ad platform spot, so there are more chances your potential customers to notice creatives.
- Behaviorism. Let’s not deny psychological factors. If a website user notices your ads regularly it’s more plausible he would click on it. Seeing the same ads brings more trust to the advertiser.
- Ads visualization. It’s no big secret that visual side of ads spotting on websites can reflect the results. So you can choose the right spot for your offer and the website which you want to publish your creatives on.
- Profit and stability. Yes, we talk about the RTB auction. If the bid would heighten then you wouldn't even notice it. Why? Because you always get your traffic no matter what.
As you see, advertising is getting easier day by day with ClickAdilla. Try out yourself and monetize your campaigns with ClickAdilla’s flat deals!