Pre-roll video ad creatives

#Ads tips

Pre-roll video ad creatives

Take advantage of video pre-roll advertisements. Create video ads in 5 minutes using the motion banner on ClickAdilla platform.

Motion banner is a pre-roll video. But unlike the original video, this ad unit is created from the picture, texts and a button. The point is that advertisers can create video ads in 5 minutes right on our platform.

A few words about the pre-roll ad format. Pre-roll ads start before the main video content. Users will be able to click on the skip button after a while. The minimum skip time is 5 seconds. Typically, video lengths are between 15 and 30 seconds. Users can skip the video pre-roll at the set time. Advertisers can set this time when creating a video advertisement. The minimum skip time is 5 seconds. Also available are 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 seconds.

Benefits of video pre-roll ads

No matter what you’re marketing, great storytelling is always the key. And video is the best way to tell about your product, service or company. According to statistics, video ads drive a 48% higher sales rate than static ads.

🔵 High viewability rate. 95% of pre-rolls are viewable.
🔵 Brand awareness. Video ads are great for lifting brand awareness.
🔵 Drive more sales. Video ads increase ad recall and purchase intent eventually.

However you have to create a really engaging video that would grab the attention of users from the first seconds. Not an easy task, right?

How to create a captivating video in a few minutes?

Here are some useful practices:

âś… Make content that will shock viewers. A striking example is a series of commercials for Old Spice with Terry Crews. Such ads have a 99% chance of going viral.

âś… The use of sexy illustrations is a popular marketing tactic. Because it immediately grabs users attention. Moreover, this simple trick is suitable in 99% cases: food, clothes, nutrition, beauty, fitness etc. Top Sexy Commercials of All Time.

✅ Practical value – provide people with a practical value. So they will share it with others or will bookmark your video for future usage. A good example is Barclays App Pin reminder.

✅ Emotional ads. Emotion is one of the main reasons people choose to use a particular brand. To get people to buy from you, use the following examples of emotional triggers in your ad: happiness, fear, trust, sadness, anger, guilt or leadership. Remember that, people buy emotionally, not logically. Milton’s lovely story addressed to millennials.

âś… Spy on your competitors. There is no need to look far. Open YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok and get inspired by the ads that will be shown to you.

How to create a motion banner video on ClickAdilla:

1. Sign up on ClickAdilla.
2. Click the tab Ads.
3. Select Video/in-Stream.
4. Click on the button Video/in-Stream.
5. Select Motion banner ad type.
6. Insert URL.
7. Select required skip time.
8. Upload an image, write texts.
9. Set up the color of the call-to-action button.
10. Write the name and save it.

How to create a motion banner video on ClickAdilla

đź”° What is the starting event endpoint?

Get inspired by this compilation of 10 motion banners:

Set up your campaign correctly to get the best results.

- Use the frequency capping option to save your money.
- Show your ad to users who speak your language.
- Set the total money limit for the campaign or max impressions.

Reach out to your account managers to get assistance with fine-tuning a campaign.

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