$177 revenue with adult offer and banners [Case Study]

#Case study


Here is a simple passive income idea with affiliate marketing offer. Any beginner can repeat this, and start making money online. Be smart. Join ClickAdilla!

CPA Network: AdCombo

Offer: Rhino Gold

Traffic source: ClickAdilla

Ad format: Banners

GEO: Italy

Period: 05/11/2020 - 18/11/2020

Costs: $114

Revenue: $177

ROI: 55%

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▶ Traffic source
▶ CPA offer
▶ Creatives and Landing pages
Are you looking for a profitable affiliate offer? You’re lucky! Here is a fresh case study provided by one of our affiliate marketers. Further from the first person.

Traffic source

Making money in affiliate marketing is not easy. Especially with a small budget. However, finding profitable sales funnels is real. I will share one with you.

I’ve decided to test traffic in ClickAdilla ad network. I love to discover new traffic sources. I’ve checked prices and traffic volume on ClickAdilla. Use the Traffic chart for this. I was looking for banners for Italy. And here I hit the mark - over 1 million impressions daily. In addition, the cost of traffic is very low. I clarified about traffic with the account manager and he confirmed my predictions. And I thought - this is my chance!


Banner 300x100

CPA offer

I think AdCombo is familiar to everyone. I have been working with them for a long time. They have a lot of CPA offers. And most importantly, I get payments without delay. I’ve used a well-known nutra offer Rhino Gold. This is a male enhancement gel. It is available for several countries. I decided to test Italy first. The payout for the sale $ 29.5.


Screenshot from the landing page

I’ve created a campaign with mobile banners, size 300x100. CPM was $0.032. In the targeting settings, I didn’t select anything except Italy.

Here's what I got after 2 weeks.

Total orders:13





At the time of this writing, I received payment for 6 sales and 1 order has not yet been approved.


AdCombo Statistics

Here is statistics from ClickAdilla.


I’ve used 4 banners in the campaign, using Random rotation. As a result, CTR was approximately the same - on average 0.18. Actually, this is a very good result for banners.


Creatives and Landing pages

I used 4 banners in a random rotation of 300x100 size. I found these creatives using a Spy tool.

The funnel is next. The user clicks on the banner, he gets to the pre-landing page, and after that he goes to the offer page, where he fills out the order form.

Banner creatives

Pre-lander significantly increases conversion rate. It provides users with detailed information about the product. The page should answer potential customer questions and encourages him to go to the offer page eventually. In this case, users see a good article describing the benefits of the product, its effectiveness and reviews from other buyers.

Pre-Landing page

The visitors who end up on the offer page know exactly what awaits them. There is a short order form and additional information that stir up interest in buying the product.

Landing page

Let's sum up:

✔️ Net profit is $63 for 2 weeks.

✔️ This advertising strategy is easy to scale. Test more GEOs and ad formats in ClickAdilla.

✔️ Use pre-landers to enhance engagement and improve conversion rate.

✔️ Unlike many other cases on the web, this offer is still alive and you can make money effortlessly.

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