Types of fraud in advertising and how to fight it: solutions from Kaminari Click

#Ads tips

The Clickadilla team presents you with a solution from our partners at Kaminari Click, which can significantly enhance the security and effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

In the world of online advertising, where every campaign matters and every click counts, protection against ad fraud becomes a top priority. The Clickadilla team presents you with a solution from our partners at Kaminari Click, which can significantly enhance the security and effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Kaminari Click Anti-Fraud Solution is an advanced platform specializing in detecting and preventing fraud traffic. You will be provided with unique tools to detect fraud, which will help you save money and increase the return on investment in advertising.

In this article, we will discuss the main types of ad fraud, methods of detection, and the benefits of using solutions from Kaminari Click. Additionally, we will talk about special offers for our users. We hope that this information will be helpful and assist you in reaching new heights in your advertising campaigns.

Terminology of the fraud world

If we generalize the concept of all fraud traffic, we can identify two main directions:

Ad fraud

These are fraud actions aimed at creating false indicators of advertising campaign effectiveness. This includes fake clicks, impressions, conversions, and other actions that distort real data and lead to financial losses for advertisers.

Bot traffic

Traffic generated by automated programs or bots, not real users. Such bots can mimic user behavior, creating a false impression of advertising popularity.

Ad fraud and bot traffic can significantly reduce the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, leading to wasted expenses and a decrease in trust in advertising platforms.

Main Types of Fraud Fought by Kaminari Click

Fraud can take many forms, each of which requires a specific approach to detection and prevention. To combat various types of fraud in internet traffic, a comprehensive approach is needed, including technological measures, data analysis, and collaboration with trusted partners. Let's consider the main types of fraudulent traffic faced by advertisers and Kaminari Click's recommendations for combating them.


Spoofing or identity spoofing is a method where a bot pretends to be legitimate traffic by falsifying user or browser data. This creates an illusion of interaction by a real user, making it difficult to detect and block such traffic.

Combat Recommendations:

1. User Behavior Analysis. Use tools to analyze user behavior on the website (e.g., scroll speed, time spent on page, clicks). Real users behave differently than bots.
2. Browser Fingerprinting. Apply browser fingerprinting methods to distinguish real devices from fake ones. This includes analyzing unique browser and device characteristics.
3. Multi-Level Authentication. Implement additional authentication layers (e.g., CAPTCHA) to identify automated requests.

Automated Traffic

Automated Traffic is similar to spoofing, but its main feature is the automation of actions on the internet. Bot developers use specialized browsers designed for software testing and development. Scammers compile lists of these user-agents and create bots that mimic real users.

Combat Recommendations:

1. Detection and Blocking of Automated Actions. Use tools like WAF (Web Application Firewall) to monitor and block suspicious actions typical of automated traffic.
2. User-Agent Analysis. Regularly update lists of legitimate and suspicious user-agent strings, and implement dynamic server-side checks to detect suspicious actions.
3. Bot Deception Technologies. Introduce hidden fields or other deception methods that may be visible and filled out only by bots.


Crawlers, such as Googlebot and other search bots, are not malicious, but their activity does not benefit advertising campaigns. They index content for search engines but do not participate in conversions or clicks, making their traffic worthless for advertisers.

Combat Recommendations:

1. robots.txt File. Configure the robots.txt file to restrict access of unnecessary search bots to specific sections of the site, especially those that should not be indexed.
2. Use of Meta Tags. Add noindex and nofollow meta tags to prevent indexing of specific content.
3. Server Log Analysis. Regularly analyze server logs to identify and block unwanted bots that consume significant resources.

Bad Reputation IP

Bad Reputation IP refers to clicks originating from IP addresses with a bad reputation. Such clicks may come from browsers (which is usually considered safe) or servers (which often indicates fraud). In the latter case, data may be collected through scraping and used for automatic ad clicks.

Combat Recommendations:

1. IP Blacklists. Use up-to-date blacklists of IP addresses with bad reputations and regularly update them to block suspicious requests.
2. IP Geolocation. Filter traffic based on the geographic location of IP addresses, especially if certain regions are frequently used for fraud.
3. Network Request Analysis. Implement network traffic analysis systems to detect anomalies associated with suspicious IP addresses.

Incorrect Requests

Incorrect Requests are a type of fraud not always associated with bots but posing a serious threat. An example could be the use of invisible iframes placed under ad banners. Clicks on such ads may seem legitimate but are actually fraud. Scammers may also use images instead of ad banners, making it difficult to track the traffic source.

Combat Recommendations:

1. Detection and Blocking of iframes. Monitor and block invisible iframes that may be used for fraud clicks. This can be done using tools that track page source code.
2. Click-Jacking Protection. Implement Content Security Policy (CSP) and X-Frame-Options headers to prevent site embedding in iframes.
3. Image Analysis. Use image analysis technologies to detect fake ad banners and replace them with genuine ones.

General Recommendations:

Regular Audits. Conducting regular audits and security tests to identify and address new vulnerabilities.
Collaboration with Trusted Partners. Utilizing trusted advertising networks and platforms that have built-in fraud protection mechanisms.
Employee Training. Continuous training and informing employees about new fraud methods and ways to prevent them.

Implementing these measures will significantly reduce the risks associated with various types of fraud in internet traffic.

Kaminari Click Metrics for Fraud Detection

To effectively detect fraud, it is necessary to use accurate and efficient metrics that help detect and prevent fraudulent activities. Kaminari Click offers a set of metrics, each aimed at detecting various types of invalid traffic and improving the quality of advertising campaigns.

IVT Total (Invalid Traffic Total)

Analysis of the total volume of invalid traffic, including suspicious and ineffective visits.

Crawlers Detection

Detection and blocking of traffic from web crawlers that may distort analytical data.

Spoofing Detection

Recognition of attempts to falsify user data or advertising requests.

Automated Traffic Detection

Identification of automated traffic generated by bots or scripts.

Incorrect Requests Filtering

Filtering of incorrect requests that may indicate fraudulent activity.

Bad Reputation IP Tracking

Tracking and blocking of traffic from IP addresses with a bad reputation.

Blocked Hits Monitoring

Monitoring of blocked access attempts, helping to identify and analyze suspicious traffic.

SV Total (Sophisticated Invalid Traffic)

Overall assessment of sophisticated invalid traffic, including more sophisticated fraud methods.

Proxy Traffic Analysis

Analysis of traffic passing through proxy servers, often associated with attempts to conceal the user's true location.

Spoofing SV Detection

Detection of spoofing within sophisticated invalid traffic.

Automated SV Recognition

Identification of automated sophisticated invalid traffic.

Fraud SV Monitoring

Monitoring of fraud activity within sophisticated invalid traffic.

AdBlock Detection

Detection of ad blocker usage, which may affect ad delivery and visibility.

WebView Analysis

Analysis of traffic generated through WebView in mobile applications, which can be used to disguise fraud traffic.

Push Notifications Interaction

Identification and interaction with users whose browsers support push notifications. This strategy is particularly useful for working with push traffic.

Each of these Kaminari Click metrics plays an important role in ensuring the accuracy and fairness of advertising campaigns, helping networks and advertisers effectively utilize their advertising budgets.

Kaminari Click Anti-Fraud Solution Pricing Plans

For different types of advertisers and their unique needs, Kaminari Click offers several pricing plans, each designed to provide maximum protection and efficiency for your advertising campaigns. Whether you are a small business, a medium-sized enterprise, or a large corporation, Kaminari Click has a solution that suits you. Let's take a closer look at each pricing plan and outline what is included in them.

What's included in each pricing plan:


  • Basic fraud detection features. This plan includes essential tools for detecting and blocking invalid traffic, providing basic protection for your advertising campaigns.
  • On-demand support. Users of this plan can request assistance and get answers to their questions as needed.


  • Advanced detection features. This plan provides a broader set of tools and metrics for more accurate detection of various types of fraud.
  • Priority support. Users receive priority service, enabling quicker resolution of emerging questions and issues.
  • More detailed reports and analysis. This plan includes in-depth reports and analytical data to better understand and manage advertising campaigns.


  • Full access to all platform features. The most comprehensive plan, providing a complete range of capabilities for detecting and preventing fraud.
  • Customized settings to fit client needs. Users can customize the system to their specific requirements, ensuring maximum efficiency.
  • 24/7 support. Access to support around the clock, allowing for quick response to any issues or questions at any time of day or night.
  • Additional services on request. Includes personalized services and consultations tailored to the unique needs of the client.

Each pricing plan from Kaminari Click is designed with different needs and business scales in mind, providing flexible and effective solutions for fighting ad fraud. Choosing the right plan enables advertisers to optimize their campaigns, minimize losses from invalid traffic, and maximize the use of their advertising budgets.

Bonus for Clickadilla Users

Kaminari Click has prepared a special bonus for all Clickadilla clients: receive a 15% discount on your first integration with Kaminari Click, as well as the first 100,000 checks absolutely free. These unique benefits will not only enhance your experience with advertising campaigns but also help you save significant funds on protection against ad fraud. Don't miss the chance to make your advertising even more effective and secure with Kaminari Click!

To claim the bonus, register with Kaminari Click and start protecting your advertising campaigns from fraud today. Registration benefits include access to cutting-edge anti-fraud metrics, personalized support, and flexible payment options.

Protect your advertising campaigns from fraud activities and increase profits with Kaminari Click Anti-Fraud Solution!



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